Grants List

2024El Ele Federation (El Ele Federasyonu)£14,120children's rights, emergencies
2024All the Children are Ours (Bütün Çocuklar Bizim Derneği)£3,000children's rights, emergencies
2024Defne Women’s Cooperative (Defne Kadın Kooperatifi)£48,099gender equality, emergencies
2024Tomurcuk Association (Tomurcuk Derneği)£48,498children's rights, emergencies
2024Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (Fikir ve Sanat Atölyesi - FISA)£48,615children's rights, emergencies
2024Cultural Awareness Foundation (Kültür Bilincini Geliştirme Vakfı)£48,172culture & arts, emergencies
2024Collective Research Institute - CORE (Kolektif Araştırmalar Derneği)£47,598emergencies
2024Hatay Symphony Orchestra Culture and Art Association (Hatay Senfoni Orkestrası Kültür ve Sanat Derneği)£48,542culture & arts, emergencies
2024Architecture for All Association (Herkes için Mimarlık Derneği - HiM)£48,614emergencies
2024Talebeyiz Biz Association (Talebeyiz Biz Derneği)£48,533culture & arts, emergencies
2024Roma Memory Studies Association (Roman Hafıza Çalışmaları Derneği - Romani Godi)£48,469gender equality, emergencies
2024Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Association (Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Derneği)£45,503gender equality, emergencies
2024Human Health and Education Foundation (İnsan Sağlığı ve Eğitim Vakfı - INSEV)£47,025children's rights, emergencies
2024Antakya Environmental Protection Association (Antakya Çevre Koruma Derneği)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Nature and Science Association (Doğa ve Bilim Derneği)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Hatay Nature Conservation Association (Hatay Tabiat Koruma Derneği)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Karataş Fisheries Cooperative (Karataş Su Ürünleri Kooperatifi) A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Green Transformation in Industry, Adaptation to Climate Change and Bioeconomy Research Association (Sanayide Yeşil Dönüşüm, İklim Değişikliğine Uyum ve Biyoekonomi Araştırmaları Derneği)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Samandağ District Centre and Neighbourhoods Agricultural Development Cooperative (Samandağ İlçe Merkezi Ev Mahalleleri Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Tarsus Slow Food Earth Market Association (Tarsus Slow Food Yeryüzü Pazarı Derneği)A total of £20.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment, emergencies
2024Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)children's rights
2024Aquatic Life Association (Sucul Yaşam Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2024Eastern Mediterranean Research Association (Doğu Akdeniz Araştırma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2024Law, Nature, and Society Foundation (Hukuk, Doğa ve Toplum Vakfı - HUDOTO)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2024Yolda Initiative (Yolda Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2024Turkish Education Foundation (Türk Eğitim Vakfı - TEV)£102,185children's rights
2024Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (Kadına Özgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği - KOVED)A total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
gender equality
2024Gender and Women's Studies Association (Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Kadın Çalışmaları Derneği - TOCİKAD)A total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
gender equality
2024Çember Civil Initiative Association (Çember Sivil İnisiyatif Derneği)A total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
gender equality
2024All the Children are Ours (Bütün Çocuklar Bizim Derneği)£5,000children's rights
2024Forest Feeding Association (Orman Beslemesi Derneği)animal rights
2024Imece Women's Centre£10,000gender equality
2024Local Empowerment Association (Yerelden Kalkınma Derneği)£10,500children's rights
2024Sulukule Volunteers Association (Sulukule Gönüllüleri Derneği)£10,500children's rights
2024SAHADAYIZ Association for Justice and Rights in Sports (Sporda Adalet ve Haklar için Sahadayız Derneği)£10,500children's rights
2024Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£10,000children's rights
2024Empathy Social Responsibility and Education Association£15,658children's rights
2024Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (Kadına Özgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği - KOVED)£36,740gender equality
2024Theatre Foundation of Turkey (Türkiye Tiyatro Vakfı)£15,775culture & arts
2024Actors Union of Turkey (Oyuncular Sendikası)£14,873culture & arts
2024Association for Communicating Social Good (Sosyal Fayda için Iletişim Derneği - SoFI)£14,492culture & arts
2024Women State of Solidarity Association (Dayanışmanın Kadın Hali Derneği - DAKAHDER)A total of £48,273 awarded to funded poolgender equality
2024Armaş Foundation (Armaş Vakfı)A total of £48,273 awarded to funded pool
2024Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Association (Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Derneği)A total of £48,273 awarded to funded poolgender equality
2024Children First Association (Önce Çocuklar Derneği)A total of £48,273 awarded to funded poolchildren's rights
2023Needs Map (İhtiyaç Haritası)£15,000emergencies
2023TOKTUT (Toktut'mak Elimizde Derneği)£15,000emergencies
2023AKUT Search and Rescue Association (AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği)£15,000emergencies
2023Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£100,000emergencies
2023Food Rescue Association (Gıda Kurtarma Derneği)£17,580emergencies
2023Lokman Hekim Health Association (Lokman Hekim Sağlık Vakfı)£15,000emergencies
2023Ahbap Association (Ahbap Derneği)£87,000emergencies
2023AKUT Foundation (AKUT Vakfı)£6,610emergencies
2023Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence (Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği)£6,632gender equality, emergencies
2023Children First Association (Önce Çocuklar Derneği)£6,610children's rights, emergencies
2023Equality and Dialogue Association (Eşitlik ve Diyalog Derneği)£6,603emergencies
2023Gea Search and Rescue Association (Gea Arama Kurtarma Ekoloji ve İnsani Yardım Derneği)£6,632emergencies
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür, Sanat ve Doğa Derneği)£6,632emergencies
2023Kulturhane (Kültürhane)£6,632culture & arts, emergencies
2023Child Studies Association (Çocuk Çalışmaları Derneği)£6,519children's rights, emergencies
2023Empathy Social Responsibility and Education Association (Empati Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Eğitim Derneği)£6,635emergencies
2023Lotus Women's Solidarity and Life Association (Lotus Kadın Dayanışma ve Yaşam Derneği)£6,624gender equality, emergencies
2023Mimoza Women's Association (Mimoza Kadın Derneği)£6,642gender equality, emergencies
2023Sustainable Economy and Finance research Association (Sürdürülebilir Ekonomi ve Finans Araştırmaları Derneği)£6,642emergencies
2023Wildlife Protection and Solidarity Association (Yaban Hayatını Koruma ve Dayanışma Derneği)£5,668environment, emergencies
2023Women State of Solidarity Association (Dayanışmanın Kadın Hali Derneği - DAKAHDER)£6,376gender equality, emergencies
2023Adana Soroptimist Club Business and Professional Women's Association (Adana Soroptimist Kulübü)£6,642gender equality, emergencies
202365+ Elder Rights Association (65+ Yaşlı Hakları Derneği)£6,604emergencies
2023Architecture for All Association (Herkes için Mimarlık Derneği - HiM)£6,608emergencies
2023Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£6,576children's rights, emergencies
2023We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği)£6,609gender equality, emergencies
2023Mapping for Everyone Association (Yer Çizenler Herkes için Haritacılık Derneği)£2,952emergencies
2023Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association (Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Derneği - ÇOTUN)£6,609emergencies
2023Mediterranean Youth Association (Akdeniz Gençlik Derneği)£6,609emergencies
2023Füsun Sayek Association (Füsun Sayek Sağlık ve Eğitim Geliştirme Derneği)£6,609emergencies
2023Association for the Protection and Preservation of Nature and Animals (Doğa ve Hayvanları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği)£6,609animal rights, emergencies
2023Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Association (Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Derneği)£6,609gender equality, emergencies
2023Red Children's Association (Kırmızı Çocuklar Derneği)£6,609children's rights, emergencies
2023Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£100,000emergencies
2023Turkish Psychologists Association Istanbul Branch (Türk Psikologlar Derneği Istanbul Şubesi)£57,000emergencies
2023El Ele Federation (El Ele Federasyonu)£60,900children's rights, emergencies
2023Basic Needs Association (Temel İhtiyaç Derneği - TİDER)£61,100emergencies
2023Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (Kadına Özgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği - KOVED)£61,100gender equality, emergencies
2023Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£30,083children's rights, emergencies
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür, Sanat ve Doğa Derneği)£25,000emergencies
2023Mimoza Women's Association (Mimoza Kadın Derneği)£25,000gender equality, emergencies
2023Youth Approaches to Health Association (Sağlıkta Genç Yaklaşımlar Derneği - SGYD)£33,250gender equality, emergencies
2023Child Studies Association (Çocuk Çalışmaları Derneği)£30,600children's rights, emergencies
2023Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (İstanbul Kültür Sanat Vakfı - IKSV)£20,833culture & arts, emergencies
2023Lotus Women’s Solidarity and Life Association (Lotus Kadın Dayanışma ve Yaşam Derneği)£25,000gender equality, emergencies
2023Children and Women First Association (Önce Çocuklar ve Kadınlar Derneği)£47,858gender equality, emergencies
2023Defne Women’s Cooperative (Defne Kadın Kooperatifi)£95,367gender equality, emergencies
2023Füsun Sayek Association (Füsun Sayek Sağlık ve Eğitim Geliştirme Derneği)£84,083gender equality, emergencies
2023Foundation for Women's Solidarity (Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı)£104,129gender equality, emergencies
2023Human Health and Education Foundation (İnsan Sağlığı ve Eğitim Vakfı - INSEV)£95,450children's rights, emergencies
2023Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (Fikir ve Sanat Atölyesi - FISA)£64,875children's rights, emergencies
2023KAMER Women’s Center Foundation (KAMER Kadın Merkezi Vakfı)£99,792gender equality, emergencies
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür, Sanat ve Doğa Derneği)£89,500gender equality, emergencies
2023Kulturhane (Kültürhane)£71,625culture & arts, emergencies
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği – MEDAK)£92,167gender equality, emergencies
2023Nesin Foundation (Nesin Vakfı)£168,025children's rights, emergencies
2023Robotel Association (Robot El Derneği)£79,167emergencies
2023Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£118,287children's rights, emergencies
2023SistersLab – Association for Women in Science and Technology (SistersLab – Bilim ve Teknolojide Kadın Derneği)£45,971gender equality, emergencies
2023Soil for Life Association (Yaşam için Toprak Derneği)£94,967environment, emergencies
2023Solidarity for Equality Association (Eşitlik için Dayanışma Derneği)£101,558children's rights, emergencies
2023Teacher's Network (Öğretmen Ağı)£90,012children's rights, emergencies
2023Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation (Türkiye Aile Sağlığı ve Planlaması Vakfı - TAPV)£67,929gender equality, emergencies
2023Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)£93,250environment, emergencies
2023Architecture for All Association (Herkes için Mimarlık Derneği - HiM)£57,599emergencies
2023Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation (Ali Ismail Korkmaz Vakfı - ALIKEV)£25,115emergencies
2023Turkish Education Association (Türk Eğitim Derneği - TED)£5,900children's rights, emergencies
2023Istanbul Foster Care Association (Istanbul Koruyucu Aile Derneği)£4,936children's rights, emergencies
2023Denizli Foster Care Association (Denizli Koruyucu Aile Derneği)£5,664children's rights, emergencies
202365+ Elder Rights Association (65+ Yaşlı Hakları Derneği)£4,448emergencies
2023Alzheimer’s Association of Turkey (Türkiye Alzheimer Derneği)£4,444emergencies
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği – MEDAK)£4,444emergencies
2023Meryem Women’s Cooperative (Meryem Kadın Kooperatifi)£4,444gender equality, emergencies
2023Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) £4,444emergencies
2023Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£4,444children's rights, emergencies
2023We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği)£4,444gender equality, emergencies
2023Women’s Right to Health in Development Association (Kalkınmada Kadının Sağlık Hakkı Derneği)£4,444gender equality, emergencies
2023Yaren Cooperative (Yaren Kooperatif)£4,444emergencies
2023Educational Volunteers Foundation of Türkiye (Türkiye Eğitim Gönüllüleri Vakfı - TEGV)£30,000children's rights, emergencies
2023Civil Society and Media Studies Association (Sivil Toplum ve Medya Çalışmaları Derneği)£8,500emergencies
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür, Sanat ve Doğa Derneği)£14,750emergencies
2023Argüden Governance Academy (Argüden Yönetişim Akademisi)£50,000emergencies
2023Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (Kadına Özgürlük ve Eşitlik Derneği - KOVED)£83,200gender equality, emergencies
2023Support Foundation for Civil Society (Sivil Toplum için Destek Vakfı - STDV)£100,000emergencies
2023Association for Classical Music of Bodrum (Bodrum Klasik Müzik Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Ecological Balance Society (Doğal Denge Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Kazdağı Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources (Kazdağı Doğal ve Kültürel Varlıkları Koruma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Marmaris Ecological Agricultural Development Cooperative (Marmaris Ekolojik Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Ayvalık Another School is Possible Cooperative (Başka Bir Okul Mümkün Eğitim Kooperatifi – BBOM Ayvalık)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Underwater Research Society (Sualtı Araştırmaları Derneği – SAD)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2023Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation (Ali Ismail Korkmaz Vakfı - ALIKEV)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023People of Solidarity Association (Dayanışma İnsanları Derneği)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Hatay Symphony Orchestra Culture and Art Association (Hatay Senfoni Orkestrası Kültür ve Sanat Derneği)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded poolculture & arts
2023Collective Coordination Association (Kolektif Koordinasyon Derneği)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded poolgender equality
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği – MEDAK)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Yeniden Antakya Platform Association (Yeniden Antakya Platformu Derneği) A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Local Development Association (Yerelden Kalkınma Derneği)£5,688children's rights
2022Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Association (Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği)£5,644gender equality, children's rights
2022Kozalak Association (Kozalak Derneği)£3,588children's rights
2022Olive Seeds Association (Zeytin Cekirdekleri Derneği)£3,938children's rights
2022All the Children are Ours (Bütün Çocuklar Bizim Derneği)£4,944children's rights
2022Dem Association (Dem Derneği)£1,849culture & arts
2022Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür, Sanat ve Doğa Derneği)£3,467culture & arts
2022Theatre Cooperative (Tiyatro Kooperatifi)£4,834culture & arts
2022Troya Cultural Association (Troya Kültür Derneği)£3,151culture & arts
2022Foundation for Women's Solidarity (Kadın Dayanışma Vakfı)£3,315gender equality
2022We Need to Talk Association (Konuşmamız Gerek Derneği)£3,014gender equality
2022Families and Friends of LGBTI+s Association (Lezbiyen Gey Biseksüel Trans Artı Bireylerin Aileleri ve Yakınları Derneği - LISTAG)£3,014gender equality
2022Mimoza Women's Association (Mimoza Kadın Derneği)£1,808gender equality
2022Research Association for Democracy, Peace, and Alternative Politics (Demokrasi, Barış ve Alternatif Politikalar Araştırma Derneği - DEMOS)£6,000
2022Roots and Shoots Turkey (Kökler ve Filizler Derneği)£6,047
2022Medical Search and Rescue Association (Medikal Arama Kurtarma Derneği – MEDAK)£5,953
2022Senex | Association for Aging Studies (Senex | Yaşlanma Çalışmaları Derneği)£6,530
2022Teos Culture and Art Association (Teos Kültür Sanat Derneği)£6,470culture & arts
2022Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£4,000children's rights
2022Bir IZ Association (Birey ve Toplum Ruh Sağlığında İZ Derneği)£7,500
2022Peace Children’s Orchestra Conservation and Development Association (Barış Çocuk Orkestrası Koruma ve Geliştirme Derneği)£2,500culture & arts, children's rights
2022Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı)£20,000
2022Marine Life Conservation Association (Deniz Yaşamını Koruma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Climate Research Association (İklim Araştırmaları Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022NATURA Nature and Culture Conservation Association (NATURA Doğa ve Kültür Koruma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Social Climate Association (Sosyal İklim Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Water Ecosystems Conservation Association (Su Ekosistemlerini Koruma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Antalya Underwater Society (Antalya Sualtı Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Bodrum Classical Music Association (Bodrum Klasik Müzik Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Association for Conservation and Survival of Sea Turtles, Mediterranean Monk Seals, Sea Daffodils (Deniz Kaplumbağaları, Akdeniz Fokları, Kum Zambakları Koruma ve Yaşatma Derneği - DEKAFOK)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Marine Mammals Research Association (Deniz Memelileri Araştırma Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Nature Association (Doğa Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Ecological Research Association (Ekolojik Araştırmalar Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Impact Circles Foundation (Etki Çemberleri Vakfı)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2022Yolda Initiative (Yolda Derneği)A total of £10.000 awarded to funded poolenvironment
2021£3,600children's rights
2021Social Rights and Research Association (Toplumsal Haklar ve Araştırmalar Derneği - TOHAD)£3,840children's rights
2021Sulukule Volunteers Association (Sulukule Gönüllüleri Derneği)£3,600children's rights
2021A4 Atelier Contemporary Art Association (A4 Atölye Çağdaş Sanat Derneği)£2,524culture & arts, gender equality
2021Altyazı Cinema Association (Altyazı Sinema Derneği)£2,682culture & arts
2021Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews (500. Yıl Vakfı Türk Musevileri Müzesi)£3,787culture & arts
2021Yücel Cultural Foundation (Yücel Kültür Vakfı)£4,361culture & arts
2021Ecosphere Association (Ekosfer Derneği)£2,590environment
2021Sustainability Steps Association (Sürdürülebilirlik Adımları Derneği)£2,590environment
2021Soil for Life Association (Yaşam için Toprak Derneği)£2,590environment
2021Troya Environmental Association (Troya Çevre Derneği)£2,590environment
2021Women in Fisheries Society (Kadın Balıkçılar Derneği)£2,590environment, gender equality
2021Katre Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Association (Katre Kadın Danışma ve Dayanışma Derneği)£3,466gender equality
2021Social Policy Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association (Sosyal Politika Cinsiyet Kimliği ve Cinsel Yönelim Çalışmaları Derneği - SPoD)£3,556gender equality
2021Women of Ravanda Association (Ravandalı Kadınlar Derneği)£3,326gender equality
2021Yüksekova Women's Association (Yüksekova Kadın Derneği)£5,405gender equality
2021Civil Society and Media Studies Association (Sivil Toplum ve Medya Çalışmaları Derneği)£4,489
2021Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association (Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Derneği - ÇOTUN)£3,367
2021Green Thought Association (Yeşil Düşünce Derneği)£1,122environment
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) £1,122
2021Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)£5,680children's rights, gender equality
2021NATURA Nature and Culture Conservation Association (NATURA Doğa ve Kültür Koruma Derneği)£12,000environment, emergencies
2021Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£4,800emergencies
2021Emek Benim Women's Association (Emek Benim Kadın Derneği)£2,960gender equality, emergencies
2021Nature Conservation Centre Foundation (Doğa Koruma Merkezi Vakfı)£4,664environment, emergencies
2021Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)£8,048environment, emergencies
2021Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£9,077children's rights
2021Mimoza Child Studies Team (Mimoza Çocuk Çalışmaları)£7,050children's rights
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) £1,000gender equality
2021Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£1,000children's rights
2021Young LGBTI+ Youth Studies and Solidarity Association (Genç LGBTI+ Gençlik Çalışmaları ve Dayanışma Derneği)£1,000gender equality
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) £29,204
2020Nirengi Association (Nirengi Derneği)£7,545children's rights
2020Roma Rights Association (Roman Hakları Derneği - ROMHAK)£2,515children's rights
2020Matters Association (Önemsiyoruz Derneği)£5,030children's rights
2020Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£1,181children's rights, emergencies
2020Imece Initiative Association (İmece İnisiyatifi Derneği)£2,008emergencies
2020Karakutu Association (Karakutu Derneği)£1,181emergencies
2020Music for Peace Foundation (Barış için Müzik Vakfı)£2,362culture & arts, emergencies
2020Nefes Arts and Culture Association (Nefes Kültür Sanat Derneği)£2,362culture & arts, emergencies
2020We Will Stop Femicides Platform Association (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu Derneği)£1,181gender equality, emergencies
2020Performing Arts Development Association (Performans Sanatını Geliştirme Derneği - Performistanbul)£5,784culture & arts
2020Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association (Pembe Hayat LGBTI+ Dayanışma Derneği)£6,765culture & arts, gender equality
2020Theatre Cooperative (Tiyatro Kooperatifi)£1,667culture & arts
2020Basic Needs Association (Temel İhtiyaç Derneği - TİDER)£8,342emergencies
2020Needs Map (İhtiyaç Haritası)£8,342emergencies
2020Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£7,150emergencies
2020Kazdağı Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resources (Kazdağı Doğal ve Kültürel Varlıkları Koruma Derneği)£4,429gender equality, environment
2020Sunflower Women's Association (Günebakan Kadın Derneği)£4,326gender equality
2020Earth Association (Yeryüzü Derneği)£6,588environment
2020History Foundation (Tarih Vakfı)£7,690
2020Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network (Açık Alan Derneği - Derin Yoksulluk Ağı) £4,608
2020Civil Society and Media Studies Association (Sivil Toplum ve Medya Çalışmaları Derneği)£3,521emergencies
2020Izmir Education Cooperative (Izmir Eğitim Kooperatifi - IZEK)£7,042emergencies
2020AKUT Search and Rescue Association (AKUT Arama Kurtarma Derneği)£10,262emergencies
2020Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£8,048emergencies
2020Turkish Psychologists Association Izmir Branch (Türk Psikologlar Derneği İzmir Şubesi)£4,527emergencies
2020Association for Young People under State Protection and Foster Families (Koruma Altında Yetişen Gençler ve Koruyucu Aile Derneği - KALBEN)£2,716children's rights
2020Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)£2,716children's rights, gender equality
2020Support to Life Association (Hayata Destek Derneği)£5,000emergencies
2020Contemporary Education Foundation (Çağdaş Eğitim Vakfı)£10,000culture & arts
2020Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£5,000children's rights
2020Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment (Doğa ve Çevreyi Koruma, Yaşatma Derneği - DOGCEV)£2,000environment, animal rights
2019Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (Fikir ve Sanat Atölyesi - FISA)£8,573children's rights
2019Ordu Women's Empowerment Association (Ordu Kadını Güçlendirme Derneği)£4,793children's rights, gender equality
2019Colourful Hopes Association (Rengarenk Umutlar Derneği - RUMUD)£6,434children's rights
2019Development Workshop (Kalkınma Atölyesi)£8,036culture & arts
2019Puruli Culture and Art Association (Puruli Kültür Sanat Derneği)£8,443culture & arts
2019Kuzeydoğa Association (Kuzeydoğa Derneği)£4,160environment
2019Tanısan Seversin Association (Tanısan Seversin Derneği)£2,000animal rights
2019The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (Türkiye Omurilik Felçlileri Derneği - TOFD)£625children's rights
2019Olive Seeds Association (Zeytin Cekirdekleri Derneği)£6,242children's rights
2019Flying Broom Foundation (Uçan Süpürge Vakfı)£8,022gender equality
2019We Will Stop Femicides Platform Association (Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu Derneği)£5,348gender equality
2019Imece Initiative Association (İmece İnisiyatifi Derneği)£7,353
2019Istanbul Foundation for People with Mental Disabilities (İstanbul Zihinsel Engelliler için Eğitim ve Dayanışma Vakfı - IZEV)£3,677
2019Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£4,011children's rights
2019Association of Visually Impaired in Education (Eğitimde Görme Engelliler Derneği - EGED)£8,729culture & arts
2019Music for Peace Foundation (Barış için Müzik Vakfı)£7,144culture & arts, children's rights
2018Another School is Possible Association (Başka Bir Okul Mümkün Derneği - BBOM)£2,853children's rights
2018Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violence (Cinsel Şiddetle Mücadele Derneği)£2,565gender equality, children's rights
2018Association of Civic Affinity and Anti-Violence (Toplumsal Duyarlılık ve Şiddet Karşıtları Derneği)£2,659children's rights
2018Hayat Sende Association (Hayat Sende Derneği)£6,628children's rights
2018Music for Peace Foundation (Barış için Müzik Vakfı)£2,215culture & arts, children's rights
2018Music for Peace Foundation (Barış için Müzik Vakfı)£8,645culture & arts, children's rights
2018Music for Peace Foundation (Barış için Müzik Vakfı)£1,211culture & arts
2018Network of Sport and Body Movement for Vulnerable Groups (Sosyal Güçlendirme için Spor ve Beden Hareketi - BoMoVu)£2,719children's rights
2018Rural Schools Transformation Network (Köy Okulları Değişim Ağı – KODA)£2,238children's rights
2018Science Heroes Association (Bilim Kahramanları Derneği)£8,645children's rights, gender equality
2018Istanbul Foster Care Association (Istanbul Koruyucu Aile Derneği)£2,293children's rights
2018Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey (Temiz Giysi Kampanyası)£6,000
2018Couple and Family Therapy Association (Çift ve Aile Terapileri Derneği - CATED)£8,500
2018Kuzeydoğa Association (Kuzeydoğa Derneği)£3,000environment
2018Team International Assistance for Integration - TIAFI (Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Entegrasyon Derneği) £2,216
2018Team International Assistance for Integration - TIAFI (Uluslararası Yardımlaşma ve Entegrasyon Derneği) £3,500
2018Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Association (Uçan Süpürge Kadın İletişim ve Araştırma Derneği)£4,431gender equality
2018Karakutu Association (Karakutu Derneği)£1,920
2018The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (Türkiye Omurilik Felçlileri Derneği - TOFD)£1,625
2018Turkish Psychologists Association (Türk Psikologlar Derneği)£1,920
2018We Are Coding Association (Kodluyoruz Derneği)£4,431
2018Yuva Association (Yuva Derneği)£4,431environment
2024El Ele Federationchildren's rights, emergencies£14,120
2024All the Children are Ours children's rights, emergencies£3,000
2024Defne Women’s Cooperativegender equality, emergencies£48,099
2024Tomurcuk Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£48,498
2024Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (FISA)children's rights, emergencies£48,615
2024Cultural Awareness Foundationculture & arts, emergencies£48,172
2024Collective Research Institute - COREemergencies£47,598
2024Hatay Symphony Orchestra Culture and Art Associationculture & arts, emergencies£48,542
2024Architecture for All Association (HiM)emergencies£48,614
2024Talebeyiz Biz Associationculture & arts, emergencies£48,533
2024Roma Memory Studies Association (Romani Godi)gender equality, emergencies£48,469
2024Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Associationgender equality, emergencies£45,503
2024Human Health and Education Foundation (INSEV)children's rights, emergencies£47,025
2024Antakya Environmental Protection Associationenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Nature and Science Associationenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Hatay Nature Conservation Associationenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Karataş Fisheries Cooperativeenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Green Transformation in Industry, Adaptation to Climate Change and Bioeconomy Research Associationenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Samandağ District Centre and Neighbourhoods Agricultural Development Cooperativeenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Tarsus Slow Food Earth Market Associationenvironment, emergenciesA total of £20.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights
2024Aquatic Life AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Eastern Mediterranean Research AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Law, Nature, and Society Foundation (HUDOTO)environmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Yolda InitiativeenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Turkish Education Foundation (TEV)children's rights£102,185
2024Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (KOVED)gender equalityA total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Gender and Women's Studies Association (TOCİKAD)gender equalityA total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
2024Çember Civil Initiative Associationgender equalityA total of £15.000 awarded to funded pool
2024All the Children are Ourschildren's rights£5,000
2024Forest Feeding Associationanimal rights
2024Imece Women's Centregender equality£10,000
2024Local Empowerment Associationchildren's rights£10,500
2024Sulukule Volunteers Associationchildren's rights£10,500
2024SAHADAYIZ Association for Justice and Rights in Sportschildren's rights£10,500
2024Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights£10,000
2024Empathy Social Responsibility and Education Associationchildren's rights£15,658
2024Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (KOVED)gender equality£36,740
2024Theatre Foundation of Turkeyculture & arts£15,775
2024Actors Union of Turkeyculture & arts£14,873
2024Association for Communicating Social Good (SoFI)culture & arts£14,492
2024Women State of Solidarity Association (DAKAHDER)gender equalityA total of £48,273 awarded to funded pool
2024Armaş FoundationA total of £48,273 awarded to funded pool
2024Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Associationgender equalityA total of £48,273 awarded to funded pool
2024Children First Associationchildren's rightsA total of £48,273 awarded to funded pool
2023Needs Mapemergencies£15,000
2023AKUT Search and Rescue Association emergencies£15,000
2023Support to Life Associationemergencies£100,000
2023Food Rescue Associationemergencies£17,580
2023Lokman Hekim Health Associationemergencies£15,000
2023Ahbap Associationemergencies£87,000
2023AKUT Foundationemergencies£6,610
2023Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violencegender equality, emergencies£6,632
2023Children First Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£6,610
2023Equality and Dialogue Associationemergencies£6,603
2023Gea Search and Rescue Associationemergencies£6,632
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür)emergencies£6,632
2023Kulturhaneculture & arts, emergencies£6,632
2023Child Studies Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£6,519
2023Empathy Social Responsibility and Education Associationemergencies£6,635
2023Lotus Women's Solidarity and Life Associationgender equality, emergencies£6,624
2023Mimoza Women's Associationgender equality, emergencies£6,642
2023Sustainable Economy and Finance research Associationemergencies£6,642
2023Wildlife Protection and Solidarity Associationenvironment, emergencies£5,668
2023Women State of Solidarity Association (DAKAHDER)gender equality, emergencies£6,376
2023Adana Soroptimist Club Business and Professional Women's Associationgender equality, emergencies£6,642
202365+ Elder Rights Associationemergencies£6,604
2023Architecture for All Association (HiM)emergencies£6,608
2023Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights, emergencies£6,576
2023We Need to Talk Associationgender equality, emergencies£6,609
2023Mapping for Everyone Associationemergencies£2,952
2023Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association (ÇOTUN)emergencies£6,609
2023Mediterranean Youth Associationemergencies£6,609
2023Füsun Sayek Associationemergencies£6,609
2023Association for the Protection and Preservation of Nature and Animalsanimal rights, emergencies£6,609
2023Istanbul Mor Dayanışma Associationgender equality, emergencies£6,609
2023Red Children's Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£6,609
2023Support to Life Associationemergencies£100,000
2023Turkish Psychologists Association Istanbul Branchemergencies£57,000
2023El Ele Federationchildren's rights, emergencies£60,900
2023Basic Needs Association (TİDER)emergencies£61,100
2023Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (KOVED)gender equality, emergencies£61,100
2023Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights, emergencies£30,083
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür)emergencies£25,000
2023Mimoza Women's Associationgender equality, emergencies£25,000
2023Youth Approaches to Health Association (SGYD)gender equality, emergencies£33,250
2023Child Studies Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£30,600
2023Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts (IKSV)culture & arts, emergencies£20,833
2023Lotus Women’s Solidarity and Life Associationgender equality, emergencies£25,000
2023Children and Women First Associationgender equality, emergencies£47,858
2023Defne Women’s Cooperativegender equality, emergencies£95,367
2023Füsun Sayek Associationgender equality, emergencies£84,083
2023Foundation for Women's Solidaritygender equality, emergencies£104,129
2023Human Health and Education Foundation (INSEV)children's rights, emergencies£95,450
2023Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (FISA)children's rights, emergencies£64,875
2023KAMER Women’s Center Foundation (KAMER Kadın Merkezi Vakfı)gender equality, emergencies£99,792
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür)gender equality, emergencies£89,500
2023Kulturhaneculture & arts, emergencies£71,625
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (MEDAK)gender equality, emergencies£92,167
2023Nesin Foundationchildren's rights, emergencies£168,025
2023Robotel Associationemergencies£79,167
2023Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights, emergencies£118,287
2023SistersLab – Association for Women in Science and Technology (SistersLab)gender equality, emergencies£45,971
2023Soil for Life Associationenvironment, emergencies£94,967
2023Solidarity for Equality Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£101,558
2023Teacher's Networkchildren's rights, emergencies£90,012
2023Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation (TAPV)gender equality, emergencies£67,929
2023Yuva Associationenvironment, emergencies£93,250
2023Architecture for All Association (HiM)emergencies£57,599
2023Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation (ALIKEV)emergencies£25,115
2023Turkish Education Association (TED)children's rights, emergencies£5,900
2023Istanbul Foster Care Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£4,936
2023Denizli Foster Care Associationchildren's rights, emergencies£5,664
202365+ Elder Rights Associationemergencies£4,448
2023Alzheimer’s Association of Turkeyemergencies£4,444
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (MEDAK)emergencies£4,444
2023Meryem Women’s Cooperativegender equality, emergencies£4,444
2023Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Networkemergencies£4,444
2023Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights, emergencies£4,444
2023We Need to Talk Associationgender equality, emergencies£4,444
2023Women’s Right to Health in Development Associationgender equality, emergencies£4,444
2023Yaren Cooperativeemergencies£4,444
2023Educational Volunteers Foundation of Türkiye (TEGV)children's rights, emergencies£30,000
2023Civil Society and Media Studies Associationemergencies£8,500
2023Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür)emergencies£14,750
2023Argüden Governance Academyemergencies£50,000
2023Association for Women's Freedom and Equality (KOVED)gender equality, emergencies£83,200
2023Support Foundation for Civil Society (STDV)emergencies£100,000
2023Association for Classical Music of BodrumenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Ecological Balance SocietyenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Kazdağı Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural ResourcesenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Marmaris Ecological Agricultural Development CooperativeenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Ayvalık Another School is Possible Cooperative (BBOM Ayvalık)environmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Underwater Research SocietyenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Ali İsmail Korkmaz Foundation (ALIKEV)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023People of Solidarity AssociationA total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Hatay Symphony Orchestra Culture and Art Associationculture & artsA total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Collective Coordination AssociationA total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023We Need to Talk Associationgender equalityA total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Medical Search and Rescue Association (MEDAK)A total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2023Yeniden Antakya Platform AssociationA total of £50.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Local Development Associationchildren's rights£5,688
2022Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Associationgender equality, children's rights£5,644
2022Kozalak Associationchildren's rights£3,588
2022Olive Seeds Associationchildren's rights£3,938
2022All the Children are Ourschildren's rights£4,944
2022Dem Associationculture & arts£1,849
2022Kırkayak Culture, Art and Nature Association (Kırkayak Kültür)culture & arts£3,467
2022Theatre Cooperativeculture & arts£4,834
2022Troya Cultural Associationculture & arts£3,151
2022Foundation for Women's Solidaritygender equality£3,315
2022We Need to Talk Associationgender equality£3,014
2022Families and Friends of LGBTI+s Association (LISTAG)gender equality£3,014
2022Mimoza Women's Associationgender equality£1,808
2022Research Association for Democracy, Peace, and Alternative Politics (DEMOS)£6,000
2022Roots and Shoots Turkey£6,047
2022Medical Search and Rescue Association (MEDAK)£5,953
2022Senex | Association for Aging Studies£6,530
2022Teos Culture and Art Associationculture & arts£6,470
2022Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights£4,000
2022Bir IZ Association£7,500
2022Peace Children’s Orchestra Conservation and Development Associationculture & arts, children's rights£2,500
2022Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network£20,000
2022Marine Life Conservation AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Climate Research AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022NATURA Nature and Culture Conservation AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Social Climate AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Water Ecosystems Conservation AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Antalya Underwater SocietyenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Bodrum Classical Music AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Association for Conservation and Survival of Sea Turtles, Mediterranean Monk Seals, Sea Daffodils (DEKAFOK)environmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Marine Mammals Research AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Nature AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Ecological Research AssociationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Impact Circles FoundationenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2022Yolda InitiativeenvironmentA total of £10.000 awarded to funded pool
2021Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (FISA)children's rights£3,600
2021Social Rights and Research Association (TOHAD)children's rights£3,840
2021Sulukule Volunteers Associationchildren's rights£3,600
2021A4 Atelier Contemporary Art Associationculture & arts, gender equality£2,524
2021Altyazı Cinema Associationculture & arts£2,682
2021Quincentennial Foundation Museum of Turkish Jews (500. Yıl Vakfı)culture & arts£3,787
2021Yücel Cultural Foundationculture & arts£4,361
2021Ecosphere Associationenvironment£2,590
2021Sustainability Steps Associationenvironment£2,590
2021Soil for Life Associationenvironment£2,590
2021Troya Environmental Associationenvironment£2,590
2021Women in Fisheries Societyenvironment, gender equality£2,590
2021Katre Women’s Counselling and Solidarity Associationgender equality£3,466
2021Social Policy Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Studies Association (SPoD)gender equality£3,556
2021Women of Ravanda Associationgender equality£3,326
2021Yüksekova Women's Associationgender equality£5,405
2021Civil Society and Media Studies Association£4,489
2021Çorbada Tuzun Olsun Association (ÇOTUN)£3,367
2021Green Thought Associationenvironment£1,122
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network£1,122
2021Science Heroes Associationchildren's rights, gender equality£5,680
2021NATURA Nature and Culture Conservation Associationenvironment, emergencies£12,000
2021Support to Life Associationemergencies£4,800
2021Emek Benim Women's Associationgender equality, emergencies£2,960
2021Nature Conservation Centre Foundationenvironment, emergencies£4,664
2021Yuva Associationenvironment, emergencies£8,048
2021Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights£9,077
2021Mimoza Child Studies Teamchildren's rights£7,050
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Networkgender equality£1,000
2021Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights£1,000
2021Young LGBTI+ Youth Studies and Solidarity Associationgender equality£1,000
2021Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network£29,204
2020Nirengi Associationchildren's rights£7,545
2020Roma Rights Association (ROMHAK)children's rights£2,515
2020Matters Associationchildren's rights£5,030
2020Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights, emergencies£1,181
2020Imece Initiative Associationemergencies£2,008
2020Karakutu Associationemergencies£1,181
2020Music for Peace Foundationculture & arts, emergencies£2,362
2020Nefes Arts and Culture Associationculture & arts, emergencies£2,362
2020We Will Stop Femicides Platform Associationgender equality, emergencies£1,181
2020Performing Arts Development Association (Performistanbul)culture & arts£5,784
2020Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Associationculture & arts, gender equality£6,765
2020Theatre Cooperativeculture & arts£1,667
2020Basic Needs Association (TİDER)emergencies£8,342
2020Needs Mapemergencies£8,342
2020Support to Life Associationemergencies£7,150
2020Kazdağı Association for the Preservation of Natural and Cultural Resourcesgender equality, environment£4,429
2020Sunflower Women's Associationgender equality£4,326
2020Earth Associationenvironment£6,588
2020History Foundation£7,690
2020Open Space Association - Deep Poverty Network£4,608
2020Civil Society and Media Studies Associationemergencies£3,521
2020Izmir Education Cooperative (IZEK)emergencies£7,042
2020AKUT Search and Rescue Associationemergencies£10,262
2020Support to Life Associationemergencies£8,048
2020Turkish Psychologists Association Izmir Branchemergencies£4,527
2020Association for Young People under State Protection and Foster Families (KALBEN)children's rights£2,716
2020Science Heroes Associationchildren's rights, gender equality£2,716
2020Support to Life Associationemergencies£5,000
2020Contemporary Education Foundationculture & arts£10,000
2020Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights£5,000
2020Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment (DOGCEV)environment, animal rights£2,000
2019Ideas and Arts Workshop Association (FISA)children's rights£8,573
2019Ordu Women's Empowerment Associationchildren's rights, gender equality£4,793
2019Colourful Hopes Association (RUMUD)children's rights£6,434
2019Development Workshopculture & arts£8,036
2019Puruli Culture and Art Associationculture & arts£8,443
2019Kuzeydoğa Associationenvironment£4,160
2019Tanısan Seversin Associationanimal rights£2,000
2019The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (TOFD)children's rights£625
2019Olive Seeds Associationchildren's rights£6,242
2019Flying Broom Foundationgender equality£8,022
2019We Will Stop Femicides Platform Associationgender equality£5,348
2019Imece Initiative Association£7,353
2019Istanbul Foundation for People with Mental Disabilities (IZEV)£3,677
2019Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights£4,011
2019Association of Visually Impaired in Educationculture & arts£8,729
2019Music for Peace Foundationculture & arts, children's rights£7,144
2018Another School is Possible Association (BBOM)children's rights£2,853
2018Association for Struggle Against Sexual Violencegender equality, children's rights£2,565
2018Association of Civic Affinity and Anti-Violencechildren's rights£2,659
2018Hayat Sende Associationchildren's rights£6,628
2018Music for Peace Foundationculture & arts, children's rights£2,215
2018Music for Peace Foundationculture & arts, children's rights£8,645
2018Music for Peace Foundationculture & arts£1,211
2018Network of Sport and Body Movement for Vulnerable Groups (BoMoVu)children's rights£2,719
2018Rural Schools Transformation Network (KODA)children's rights£2,238
2018Science Heroes Associationchildren's rights, gender equality£8,645
2018Istanbul Foster Care Associationchildren's rights£2,293
2018Clean Clothes Campaign Turkey£6,000
2018Couple and Family Therapy Association (CATED)£8,500
2018Kuzeydoğa Associationenvironment£3,000
2018Team International Assistance for Integration - TIAFI£2,216
2018Team International Assistance for Integration - TIAFI£3,500
2018Flying Broom Women's Communication and Research Associationgender equality£4,431
2018Karakutu Association£1,920
2018The Spinal Cord Paralytics Association of Turkey (TOFD)£1,625
2018Turkish Psychologists Association£1,920
2018We Are Coding Association£4,431
2018Yuva Associationenvironment£4,431